Enter Your Relay Teams!

22 Mar by Duncan Lyon

If you would like to participate in the Family and Geribo Cup relays this Saturday, please send in details of swimmers and teams:

- For the 4×50m Family Relay we need teams of four people from one or more families.

- For the 4×50m Geribo Cup Relay, choose a team with the four fastest people who can win you that chocolate trophy!

For each swimmer, we need your name and details, including current time for 50m freestyle:

- If you already have a 50m time in our database then we’ll use that.

- If you have a child who normally swims 20m or 30m but would like to swim a leg in the 50m relays (perhaps with assistance from Mum or Dad) then please email in an estimated time for 50m and we’ll slot them in.

- If family of friends would like to participate in the fun day relays but haven’t yet registered with the club or swum a time trial for 50m freestyle, then please ask them to register for a free trial on Team App before Saturday morning and email an estimate of their time for 50m freestyle.

Provisional relay teams based on entries received last Saturday are listed here:


Please review these details and email through any updates including preferred team names and new entries to Duncan Lyon racesecretary@drummoyneswimclub.com.au

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